Who we are…

We are a team of five young women, driven to make a difference.


Cami Daeninck

Director of Operations

Kailey Penner

Youth Leadership Facilitator

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Sarah Graveline

Internal Relations and Logistics Coordinator


Sophie Joyal

Brand Manager


Diana Botelho-Urbanski

Public Relations and Marketing Coordinator

Meet Cami …

Cami (she/her) has a strong desire to be involved in her community. Not one to hesitate to rise to a challenge and support others, she has been involved with various charitable organizations within Manitoba. 

An active lifestyle is another of her priorities. Participation in ringette, hockey and soccer developed Cami’s understanding of how individual strengths combine to achieve great results. Currently, she enjoys walking and working out at a local gym to keep active.

As a recent graduate of the University of Manitoba (BSc) and Imperial College London (MSc), Cami is working at Volans, a thinktank and advisory firm in London (UK). This position allows her to incorporate regenerative solutions into business strategy.

Apart from work, Cami can be found enjoying a coffee, baking or planning her next trip. An adventurer at heart, she intends to see as much of the planet as possible. She encourages others to stay true to themselves and find the path that is right for them.

Meet Sarah …

Sarah (she/her) is passionate about supporting youth mental health, in part guided through her own mental health journey throughout and following high school. With a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Simon Fraser University, Sarah now works in Marketing and Public Relations. While living on the West coast, she has taken to hiking and exploring new restaurants in the city! 

In her spare time, Sarah enjoys playing ringette and reading. Her favourite place is out on the lake with family and friends; it’s the perfect way to clear her mind and get back to nature. 

If Sarah could say anything to her high school self, it would be to stay true to herself and prioritize her mental health!

Meet Sophie …

Sophie (she/her) is currently studying to be a Psychiatric Nurse. Like many people, Sophie felt that there was little mental health support and resources during her time in highschool, thus she hopes to improve the experience for students today through her involvement with Better Days.
Additionally, Sophie is very passionate about destigmatizing not only disorders such as anxiety and depression, but also more acute experiences such as psychosis, BPD, OCD, bipolar disorder, dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, and many more. 

Due to both her work as a helper, and to enhance her quality of life, Sophie considers self-care to be a great priority. For her, this looks like nurturing relationships that are healthy and helpful, following routines, getting enough sleep, participating in regular therapy, journaling, movement, and conscious time away from social media or screens. 

Sophie enjoys great food, good coffee, and time in the sun. She gravitates towards happy, feel good movies/television/music/books. She loves to dance and listens to everything from Billy Joel and Elton John to the latest rap songs. She is determined to learn Italian in her lifetime. She is also passionate about sustainable fashion, human rights, and her personal relationship with faith. All in all, she doesn’t allow herself to be boxed in and she hopes you don’t either!

Meet Diana …

Diana (she/her) is a firm believer in the power of connection and ongoing learning to better understand both our personal mental health, and the struggles of those around us.

Diana first began to understand her own struggles with anxiety during high school and hopes that by encouraging young people to talk more openly about mental health, they’ll feel supported and gain tools to help them cope with things earlier than she did. 

Working in the film and television industry, Diana loves telling stories that inspire and move people to create change and harness their inner strength. To care for herself, she loves writing, yoga, and spending as much time in nature as she possibly can!

Meet Kailey …

Kailey (she/her) is a current research assistant in psychology at the University of Manitoba and the Université de St-Boniface and an incoming clinical psychology student who is passionate about mental health promotion in children, youth, and families. She has a variety of experience working with youth across different employment and volunteer opportunities.

When she is not working, Kailey likes to go to spin class, play soccer, play with her dog, and get different types of fun caffeinated drinks.