You are capable of incredible things.

Start the conversation

Better Days Wellness Foundation is built out of student voice.

High school is hard. It’s a time of figuring both ourselves and the world out, all while balancing a steady work load. As students go through high school, societal pressures and everyday stressors significantly increase their chance of needing mental health support. We believe that by encouraging students to express themselves, take care of each other, and lead initiatives that encourage each other to take care of their mental health, students can create lifelong change and grow stronger together.

Let’s Get Started! You (a student currently enrolled in a Winnipeg high school…)

  1. Think of an idea for a project, initiative, or conversation you want to hold at your high school that promotes mental health and wellness.

    (think: therapy dogs, guest speakers, virtual escape rooms, mental health awareness weeks, and more; get creative! What would help encourage conversations for you and your peers?)

  2. Speak with a staff member at your school (teacher, guidance counsellor, principal) and get their approval for carrying out your idea. The staff member will help with the initial funding of your initiative upon approval from BDWF.

  3. Complete and send an application form to no later than three weeks prior to your event date.

  4. Wait five to ten business days upon your application submission to receive a response from our team on the status of your application. The BDWF team will contact you through the email noted on your application form to confirm whether your initiative has been approved.

If approved… What’s Next?

  1. You’re approved! What’s next? Please keep an eye out for important notifications from the BDWF team through your email! All major correspondence will be facilitated through

  2. Spearhead logistics and planning leading up to the event. BDWF is not responsible for planning or in-school engagement of the approved initiative. This being said, our team is here to support you if you have questions.

  3. Send proof of purchase to BDWF. Purchases should be done through the school administration and the administrative contact you included on your application form. After purchase, funds will be reimbursed directly to your school via cheque, up to a maximum of $120 CAD. To ensure payment accuracy, proof of purchase via itemized receipts and a submitted invoice must be provided to BDWF prior to reimbursement.

  4. Raise awareness within your school! Encourage your peers to attend and participate through administrative-approved announcements, offline, and online promotions! 

  5. The initiative is done – What’s next? Congratulations on the successful completion of your initiative! To help share your success, please send over approved photos/videos/quotes from the event to By sharing your initiative, we can help raise awareness for BDWF to encourage more mental health conversations in Winnipeg high schools. 

Potential ideas:

  • Meditation workshop

  • Wellness kits

  • Live or virtual speakers

  • Workshops

  • Mindfulness training

  • Therapy dogs

  • Crafting projects

  • Quiet spaces or relaxation rooms'

  • Give a card, get a card

  • Lunch-hour activities

  • Anonymous peer pen pals

    and so much more! Let your creativity flow.

At this time, we invite high school students in Manitoba, Canada to apply using the application form provided.

Have an idea or want to connect?

Write to us and we will be in touch within 1-2 weeks!